Consistent application and precise production of the logos will identify and reinforce public awareness of, its departments therefore should be used on all communications materials.
In order to serve you better, recommends the recognition of its logo on all print and electronic advertising. Print advertisement would include flyers, brochures, and posters. (Any print advertisement that promotes your event.)
Electronic advertisement should include a hyperlink to’s web address and the charge-by-phone number. This will insure that ticket buyers will know where they can purchase tickets to your event. If you are unable to download our logo, reproduction quality copies and digital images of the logo may be obtained through at
P 112-6C
P Black C
P 179-2C
For use with all corporate materials and non-process colour print mediums.
C70 - M16 - Y0 - K0
C69 - M62 - Y63 - K58
C7 - M5 - Y5 - K0
Use these formulas for all process colour applications when PMS colours cannot be used.
R42 - G170 - B226
R52 - G52 - B51
R234 - G234 - B234
Use these RGB formulas for all electronic applications (i.e. websites, PowerPoint)
Download logo package for white background
Download contians the following file formats
- .eps file for print
- .png file for web
Download logo package for black background
Download contians the following file formats
- .eps file for print
- .png file for web
Absolute minimum size for all electronic applications (i.e. websites, PowerPoint, intranet, emails, etc.) and photographic applications (i.e. translight displays).
3.25 x .85 centimeters
1.278 x 0.336 inches
92 x 24 pixels
Absolute minimum size for all print materials. In event advertising logo should meet these minimum size requirements and be equal to or greater than the phone number point size.
1.45 x 0.39 centimeters
0.57 x 0.15 inches
Maintaining the integrity of The identity through consistent and proper use is essential in building brand awareness.